Thursday, July 5, 2012

Teacher's way of helping Students understand Bullying

Ran into this post on facebook and have yet to find whom created it but I had to share it! If we could make bullying just disapper forever that would be pretty good. But I don't think it will ever be 100% gone but it needs to be cut down. There is WAY to much bullying!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Hobbies: Everybody is good at something!

I never expected this commercial that I used to see at least once a day as a child to stick with me as much as it did I actually used to think it was annoying ( from seeing it so often I assume).Some how this really got to me and I'm sure that's what they had hoped for. As I was growing up and I was faced with trying something new or feeling very shy this would play in my mind and sometimes was enough to get me to do new things. I was always very shy and hated doing anything that made me the center of attention. Everything from Oral presentations at school, talking about things I liked, joining groups and clubs, even opening presents on my birthday!

When It was back to school time almost every school year began with filling out a sheet or telling the class about yourself. The normal stuff like your name, but also what you liked to do. Half the time I didn't know what to put or say. I was afraid that whatever I liked to do was going to be stupid to the other kids. I would try and impress my teacher by writing something I thought was really cool. I eventually got it through my head to just pick something I liked and say it.

It took me until the sixth grade to start joining things and be proud of what I do! I did girl guides for a bit until I moved and dropped it. I loved that girl guides was out of school and none of my friends from school were in it so no one would know. But like the video says "everybody is good at something" so why should I be hiding my hobbies that I enjoyed? I decided to just jump in when I started a new school for grade 6 since I was only going to be at that school for a year i figured if something goes wrong i probably won't see these people again. I joined recycling team, capture the flag team, and helped with little tasks around the school. The worst that happened that whole year, was the warm weather came and the recycling team members decided to quiet so they could go outside leaving me and a friend alone in the group.

So grades seven and eight at the new school I was looking for clubs to join the first week! I continued on with recycling since I had fun doing it at the old school. Then decided to also join peer mediators ( helping younger kids solve problems at recess), Office Helpers ( answering phones during lunch), Gardening, Book Buddies, Recess Helper ( helped grade 1 and 2's get ready for outside), and a few other little projects. I never expected joining clubs would make me WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL! and boost my self confidence like it did.

Now your probably wondering if I joined clubs once I started high school.... Might as well continue this story instead of leaving you hanging. The answer it YES! I did continue to participate in clubs in High School as well.

Grade 9: Being the first year in high school I played it low key and only joined 1 club my grade 9 year, which was a group me and 5 other friends made about how smoking is bad ( not smokers are bad but the industry itself) and convinced a teacher to be in charge of it and make it happen.

Grade 10: I continued with the group from grade 9 and I branched out some more and joined Sound & Light ( we were in charge of microphones, speakers, lights and a whole bunch of stuff for school events), Environmental club, yearbook ( was actually a class not a club but I spent a lot of spare time on it), and spent some time on student council.

Grade 11: Stayed the same as grade 10 for awhile then I joined Health Action team ( basically about the health and well being of the students,and staff), Cool to care ( fun day with lots of activities), and breakfast club ( put together food that was available free to students at break).

Grade 12: I was told I should take it easy my grade 12 year, I didn't listen but I'm glad I didn't. I did everything I did in the past years and participated in the talent show with some friends and practised everyday after school for 2 months, joined an outside school group that ties into the anti-smoking  and health groups. and went away for 5 days with them on a leadership camp. and of course graduated that year.

I actually enjoyed high school so much I went back for an extra semester ( okay truth is I had no idea what I wanted to be yet and didn't want to waste money on university or college for something I wasn't going to do). In my extra semester I backed away from a lot of the groups but still remained a part of them and helped get new students involved.

I'm going to shut up now... this blog is longer then I thought.... Just remember "Everybody Is good at something!" Don't be afraid to try new things, and stand up for what YOU believe in.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Let the Stress BEGIN!

Everyone around me is always talking about how stressful college is and being in a icky mood because of it. Ialways said Pft Whatever! I'm not going to be like that and let something like college stress me out.... Well my fee statment for college came and the stress is already starting to come. School doesnt even start until September and I'm panicing already! Sure Money doesn't buy happiness but holy smokes does money cause tons of stress in a lot of people.