Monday, December 30, 2013

Here Comes the new year

In a little over two days we will be saying good-bye to 2013 & hello to 2014. I'm already thinking back on 2013 and how much I'm going to miss it. I have some pretty great memories from this past year, in all honesty I'm not ready for 2014. This past year has actually been pretty amazing, maybe even the best year yet ( that I can remember anyway). Yes there were a few negative things that happened in 2013 & even though I wish to change them I can't. Overall though thinking back on these past 12 months, it has been a great year & I'm not sure I'm ready to leave it. I just have a bad feeling that this coming year isn't going to be good, I hate having weird gut feelings like that. I guess in reality I've never been the type that's shouting out " Yeah! New year!" I've always seen new years eve/day as just another day. None of the "New year!, New me!" and crazy new years resolutions and so on & so forth. It's just a night that turns into a morning with a new number after 201 . This new year is already making me feel uneasy, which is really the bad aspects of 2013 continuing/ worsening. Long story short the bad aspects of 2013 are health issues happening to a few of my family members. Which like I mentioned before I wish I could change, but I can't. Maybe that's why 2014 has me so worried. I can only hope I'm wrong and that 2014 is AMAZING! 2014 please be good to me! I'll stop ranting now.
What are your plans for New Years Eve?
What are you hoping for in 2014?
My plans for new years eve this year~ Stay in maybe watch a movie, have some chips,see if any of my other friends are new years eve misfits and make a plan with them. Wow that sounded kind of depressing.
Hopes for 2014~ Lets see... find love, graduate, get a job, win the lottery...... alright I'll be more specific & realistic that that. I want to continue being active in my youth group, continue working towards living a healthier lifestyle ( going to the gym on campus, trying not to get to stressed) & how about blog some more.... I know this blog I have is LAME so maybe I should try and add more content & have some sort of focus.