Thursday, May 8, 2014

It's Mental Health week....

     Did YOU know it's mental health week? Do you even care? You should! EVERYONE has mental health it's just like physical health, we all have it. Some have great health and some have some don't, someone might appear to have fairly good physical health looking at them but what about on the inside? Are they really "fine" when you ask them, are they secretly hiding something from the world in fear no one cares, no one will help, people will think its dumb? It's said that one in four people have a mental illness, maybe its a friend, a family member, or maybe its you. Mental illness will indirectly affect ALL Canadians at some time through a family member, friend, or colleague. Don't turn a blind eye to your mental health, to those surrounding you and take this chance to read a bit about it.

You can visit the mental health week webpage here  to get more information. 

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