Friday, April 27, 2012

Insane Pony ride @ the Fair

This is one super random post and is basically a flash back to an event that happened when I was younger.

My parents decided to take me to the fair and I decided I wanted to ride the ponies. You know the ones hooked up to the carousel type and have to go in circles. So my mom and dad agreed to let me go on it, nothing could happen simply walking in a circle right? Weekly they were wrong, for whatever reason something spooked the pony I was riding and decided to have a freak out with me riding it. While the other trainers were keeping the other ponies calm mine was trying to calm my pony down and get me off unharmed. Meanwhile my parents as well as others standing around we're panicking that I was going to be thrown off and terrified of horses for life. Well as my mom always tells the story, " My little girl wasn't even the slightest bit scared and just enjoyed the surprise during the ride." I honestly don't remember ever being scared of ponies or horses after this event and even went to riding lessons with my cousin for awhile. I think my mom was way more scared, definitely wasn't ready to let me go on again ;).

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