Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"What do YOU want to be when you grow up?"

One thing we seem to hear over and over again as we are growing up is "What do you want to be when you grow up?" and "You have a future ahead of you". Sure it's a fun activity to do in JK and i'm sure teachers get a few laughs out of some of the drawings done by a bunch of little kids, but it's not easy to just decide as a child what your going to be, who your going to marry, what your kids or your house will be like. Maybe in a perfect real life fairytale this could happen, but not for me thats for sure!
 Looking back at old assignments from school it looks like over the years I changed my mind  A LOT! Princess, Ballerina, Mommy, Police WOMAN, Firefighter, Vet, Nurse, Ultrasound Technition, Nurse again, Early Childhood Educator. Sure being a princess is still very appealing but chances are slim to none on that one, and I definitly still want to be a mommy in my future. Other than that I have changed my mind a lot since elementary school.

   Throughout high school many of my friends were planning the floor plans to their future dream homes, and what they wanted their family to be like. I was worried that I didnt feel "into"doing that sort of thing, but I eventually did feel like doing that sort of thing. So many plans and a future to build!

   So welcome to my new blog..... Hope you enjoy reading some of the entries every once in awhile.

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