Saturday, August 10, 2013

I'm not Rapunzel anymore......

      A majority of my hair is now in a bag in the mail on it's way to Pantene Beautiful lengths. I decided to update everyone on my hair donation story since I posted that almost a month ago.

       I cut my hair about two weeks ago now. I'm still not used to my new hair but I don't hate it. Long story short, I told the hairdresser I wanted to keep my hair mid back ( at least longer than shoulder length). She told me she has done many ponytails for donation so she knew the requirement was 8 inches, and she asked me about my bangs, which I told her I liked them the way they were and she didn't have to worry about them. So she went to work on my hair and instead of cutting around 8 inches she cut off a ponytail that was 17 inches long...... and of course my hair was now shoulder length. So since I was not expecting that length I was a bit upset but kept my mouth shut, since its not like you can just stick it back on. She finished up making my hair even and of course she cut my bangs as well. So anyways I was stuck with hair tickling my neck and shoulders and bangs that were curled perfectly into my eye.  But enough of that, because after I got over the initial shock of my hair being short, it wasn't so bad. Got up the next day and didn't even have to do much to my hair, that was kind of nice not to have to spend tons of time brushing my hair. Then I had a shower and washed it for the first time (after the cut) and discovered I actually have wavy-curly hair.... So now I had closer to chin length hair. At first I hated having curling hair but apparently everyone else likes it on me, well except my dad who prefers it straight. Now that It has been some time I am GLAD I donated it, and remembered that I could have no hair & need to be thankful for my hair. Yes my hair is short & yes I am not used to it. but it's going to grow and I plan to donate it again. Donation Number three COMPLETED & photos are below.

Here is my hair the day before I got it cut: ( It is a little bit wavy and was straightened after this picture)
Here is my hair after I got home and tried to take a picture of the back :
And this is shortly after I had a shower and washed it & got a major shock:
And FINALLY the long ponytail that Pantene Beautiful Lengths is getting to make a FREE wig for a woman battling cancer.


If you, or a family member is going to have a haircut soon look into the requirements, You just may have enough hair to give one of the best gifts of all.


  1. Your hair color is amazing! I am so jealous of it right now. I would be in shock having short hair like that, if I wasn't expecting it. Glad you don't hate it so much anymore. It will grow & I think it looks cute

  2. I like you're new hair, super cute!

    1. Thank -you Tasha! Once I figure out how to do my hair in other styles I'm sure I will be even more excited :) I'm bored of straight and curly already.

  3. Way to go girl! I am so proud of you. Also the photographer in me says I need to mention that I love the effect used on the first photo ( of your long hair) it looks dreamy and heavenly, good choice
