Wednesday, November 27, 2013

May I suggest~ November 2013

May I recommend a few of my favorite things? I thought it would be a new unique idea to do a post like this every month suggesting certain people to check out, things to see, etc that I would recommend.

Actor ~  Robert Sheehan
Blog ~ Canadian Free Stuff
Book ~ The mortal instruments; City of ashes
Candy ~ Chocolate
Clothing item~  Hoodie
Commercial ~ Joe boxer Christmas
Country Song (Female) ~ Jamie Lynn Spears~ How could I want more ( yep, she sings country now!)
Country Song (Male) ~  Luke Bryan~ That's my kind of night
Cover of a song ~ Todrick Hall~ wizard of AHHS ( not exactly a cover of A song, more so many)
Hairstyle ~ Curly
Hair Accessory ~ Bobby pins!
Hip Hop Song ~ nothing specific this month.
Home Appliance ~ nothing specific this month.
Indoor Hobby ~ Baking cookies
Iphone app~ Happier
Meal ~ Chicken & sweet potato fries
Movie Already released~ Miracle on 34th st
Movie In theaters ~ Frozen
Movie Coming soon~ Vlogumentary ( Trailer)
Outdoor Hobby ~ Walking in the snowfall
Quote/saying ~ Always wear your invisible crown
Sound~ nothing specific this month.
Sport~ Football
Drink ~ Lemon infused water
Toy from the past~ Poo-chi
Video Game~ Just dance 4
Youtube Channel~ Shaytards!!

I am always looking for other categories to add to this list so please leave a suggestion in the comments.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dear highschool girls lost in the shuffle, bullied, ignored, lost.......

Dear high school girls lost in the shuffle,

    I know exactly what it's like. To feel like no one cares who you are, why your there, or even acknowledges that you exist. To feel like part of the unpopular group, struggling to fit in & find a place in one of your high schools ACTUAL cliques. Feeling forced to do things your unsure of & battling yourself to decide what you feel you need to do. I've been that quiet girl hiding in a corner unsure of what to say & when to say it.  I know what its like to have assignments coming at you in every direction, people dragging you every which way, the pressures to fit in, and much more, and your left feeling like your drowning. I have been that girl sitting all alone, I've been the girl who only seemed to bond with teachers, I have been the girl everyone laughed at for being a "goodie-two shoes" ( so what I like to wear BOTH my shoes, JOKING!). I have been bullied and honestly feel I have been a victim to bullying since grade 2 and it still continues. I've been the girl who would wake-up in the morning, wish it was still early and I could go back to bed. Then I'd look at my clock and see it was indeed time to get up & get ready to go to "school", and would think of excuses not to go to school that day. School was a miserable place for me to go to & I would often wish " let this this be the last time this happens" or " please just let me have ONE GOOD DAY!".

Yes, I eventually did confide in someone I trusted. To be told, " it's part of life it will stop soon", or " I'm not going to intervene because I might make it worse." . Great, so your going to do nothing? not even offer advice? alright thanks!.....not. I will admit it was hard, and I felt so alone since once I convinced myself it was time to tell someone and get advice to make it all end to be told things like that.

The good news? I eventually did find someone I was comfortable talking to that DID offer me advice & comfort. Any guesses who it ended up being? My guidance councillor! Who knew?! Thinking back, I should have just started there. But truth is I was afraid, confused, and silently hoping it would suddenly stop sometime soon. But, after just 10 minutes (  totally unplanned)talking to my guidance councillor, I started to feel hope again that things would get better. I talked with my guidance councillor more over the next few weeks and things started to work out & school wasn't such a nightmare anymore. I'm so thankful I had her around to help me!

Things I feel helped me:
Joining in on clubs/groups/organizations within your school/part of your school or age group
Finding someone who would listen and offer some type of help
Not responding to most of the bullying when it happens
BE YOU, forget what everyone else is telling you about what YOU should be. you control you, not them!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where did the time go?

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile since I have posted on here! I have NO IDEA where the time went and can't even believe it's been so long since I have posted. I guess "time flies when your having fun"? I must have been so wrapped up in my school between chapter readings, assignments, tests, and so on that I forgot about YOU. How on earth did that happen? I love reading your comments and having conversations and have totally missed out on this these past few months! Now that midterms are over I'm starting to get some of my time back so I decided to check in and was shocked that I haven't blogged in so LONG! Anyone want to come join me for my 4 hour break between classes? Why on earth do they make college schedules like this? honestly?

Till next time!