Monday, January 6, 2014

Florida Vacation with best friend~ First time flying EVER

Flying for the first time, going out of our province on vacation, together, from cold to warmth....

Just before Christmas my best friend and I took a vacation to Florida, both of us had never flown before & for my best friend this was her first time going to the united states. We searched around and compared some prices, since we are college students & money needs to be saved where possible. After a few months of looking and having a set date we could leave, ( Had to check exam schedules & ensure we would make it home for Christmas)  we found allegiant. The flight was from a little airport in NY & flew into a airport close to my grandparents place ( where we were staying). We quickly booked our tickets and started preparing & researching what we could take on the plane and so on. December 14th came and we were excited & nervous for the following morning when our plane was leaving, and ofcourse mother nature decided it was a great day for a snow storm. We got up and checked our flight status before packing up the car, NO DELAYS! So off we went to the airport with my parents where they dropped us of and we said goodbye see you in a week. Off my friend & I went through security which was a breeze then tried to find our gate which we thought would have been EASY in such a tiny airport, which it was easy we just over thought it. Half an hour later we started boarding the plane & the nerves started to really kick in, the reality that we will be flying shortly.

We got on, found our seats, looked over the safety brochure & waited, and waited. Then we heard the flight attendant start " Due to the storm we..." OH NO! COME ON! ( Thinking the flight was cancelled after all this). " have to spray the plane down with some de-icing" *sigh of relief*. So glad the flight wasn't cancelled and it was just a half hour delay while they de-iced the plane & inspected. The co-pilot even helped fill the waiting time by talking about the weather in Florida ( of course after joking about going to Seattle instead), and about how long the flight would take & that he wanted to get us their as fast as possible, but as safely as possible as well. Then the flight attendants went over the safety measures & we headed for the runway. That part for me felt like an eternity, I just wanted to get in the air and calm down.

We reached the runway and I was pretty much on my friends lap ( lucky her called window seat). I wish someone had video of our faces when the plane took off because I bet it was HILARIOUS. The whole OMG WERE FLYING & the view and the laughing..... After 20 minutes of taking it in we decided to play crazy 8's, then knit/crochet. I packed up knitting pretty fast due to feeling sick. Shortly after my friend did the same and we both "fell asleep" we still don't know if we fell asleep or fainted... Either way we felt a bit better after that. We landed in Florida and started our tour of the airport trying to find a bathroom ( we were to scared to get up on the plane) and then where to get our bags. We ran into my grandparents who weren't expecting us yet since the monitors still said delayed ( this was about 20 minutes after we landed) . We found the baggage claim area and waited for our bag and then we were out of there INTO THE SUNSHINE!

Many people we ran into the first morning thought we were insane for wearing t-shirts & shorts. According to them it was cold out, but for us who had just come from a snow storm 24 hours before it was nice out, and we ended up with the pool & hot tub to ourselves. We had a great week away and even went to Busch gardens for day! ( I will be talking about that next Monday) Then on the Sunday we got up early to check our flight wasn't cancelled after hearing from parents back home that it was an ice storm. Again no sign of cancelling so we packed up said goodbye to my grandparents, the palm trees, warm weather, & the orange tree then headed to the airport. Check-in took a bit longer this time and we did run to our flight but weren't actually that late. Again the co-pilot joked with us & the safety measures were repeated. Had an awesome flight home and arrived to... an ice storm. I was sort of ready to head back to Florida within a few hours of being home, since Florida was warm & had power.

Overall both my friend and I are very satisfied with Allegiant air ! The price was great in comparison to other airlines, every single staff member I met was friendly & looked happy, and made our first flight great. I am already thinking I will be flying again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! That adventure of yours sounds so much fun. I guess having a great time flying to Florida is also a factor to your enjoyment. I've heard some bad stories about flying to their vacay destinations, and it tends to set up the mood for the whole get-away. I really hope you'd fly again with your best friend. Stay safe!

    Raymond Curry @ Holstein Aviation
