Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Beginning For Path To My Own Future

I'll admit I didn't do nearly enough blogging way back in 2013, Yes I'm aware 2013 JUST ended hours ago. I also know that I don't really have a specific topic/reason of this blog, it's just who I am I guess, I am random! But My goal for 2014 is to blog more! Starting right now keep your eyes open for more blogs from me & maybe a guest blogger or a few this coming year! This year we are aiming for:
  • MLM~ Memory Lane Mondays ( Yes I know it's normally throwback Thursday. I wanted to be different ;) )
  • Opinionated Mondays ( Title basically says it all. Opinion!)
  • TOTALLY Random Tuesdays
  • More Wordless Wednesdays ( Going to try not to skip any Wednesdays this year)
  • Thursday Quote day ( For those who know me, you know how often I use quotes & Sayings)
  • Friday Funnies
  • Factual Fridays
  • And one blog will be posted for Saturday & Sunday
HAPPY NEW YEAR & I look forward to chatting with more of you in the comments!

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