Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bumble Bee Nails


 Today is FINALLY a hot & sunny day! Hello nice weather! I decided that this time for my nail art post I would do bee nails to celebrate the warmer temperatures, have some fun, and because my nails are currently pretty short :(.

I just cleaned off my old chipped nail polish, washed my hands & dried them, and applied a coat of "Sally Hansen Vitasurge Strength Gel" ( This is not necessary but if your nails need some strength I recommend this)

Colors needed: Yellow, Black, White
Tools: Dotting tools
I have re-washed & prepared my nails to begin the bumble bee nails.  Here we go!

1.Apply 1-2 layers of yellow nail polish and allow to dry.

2. Choose a dotting tool to create the bumble bee lines & draw on a few lines leaving space at the tip of your nail
3. Create a large black dot  near tip and allow to dry
4. Create a white dot  partially covering the black dot ( you want to leave a black rim around the top half of your white circle) and allow to dry.
5. Now create a small black dot on the white dot as an eye

Wordless Wednesday~ May 29th 2013

Sunset & Water during our trip to Peele Island

Friday, May 24, 2013

ABC Friday~ May 24th 2013 T

It's ABC Friday! I believe this weeks letter is T!

Here is my randomly selected T item ;) My Tassimo! AND it makes tea too! ( Double score??) Seriously I do love my Tassimo and use it everyday, if not multiple times a day. I wrote a review on it a few years back, as well as one of my best friends here is her review on her Tassimo experience. Tassimo Is definitely loved in our household!

Have you done an ABC Friday? Or Want to see more? Check out Mom Vs The Boys ABC Link OR Maple Leaf Mommy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Jumping out of your comfort zone & doing something you never thought you'd do

           Throughout high school I had a large presence in many of my high schools different clubs & activities. But I am really a shy & quiet girl and I was never in the "popular" grouping but many students & teachers knew who I was (as well as my close friends from these groups). My friends & I were pretty well known for our extra curricular work in the school and for the most part liked ( At least by the teachers!). Even though we basically hid in the shadows the whole time. But then the end came, GRADUATION. We actually weren't ready to move on and decided to come back again the follow September & do another semester.

       So last year when me and some of my BEST high school friends were doing the victory semester after graduation, we were helping the school health nurse with a clothing swap. The end of the day came but we all decided to leave the clothing swap set up for another hour so people could come after school if they wanted. We decided to fool around and dance on the stage since not many people were around & we already had the sound system set up ( Thanks to yours truly) . While we were dancing and just having fun one of the teachers came in to talk to us about doing the lighting & sound for the talent show the following month. The school nurse looked at us and said we should enter, we kind of laughed it off and said "but we don't have an act, none of us are ACTUALLY dancers". After about half an hour we decided to try and put something together and leave high school with  bang, even though the only ACTUAL in studio dance training any of us had was when I went to bring a friend week @ my cousins dance school many years before.

        The six of us made a spur of the moment decision to put together a dance, and perform it in front of the entire school in a little over a month. It was actually really scary so we came up with the idea to do a glow in the dark dance. We supported each other when we got frustrated & discouraged. We attempted to stay positive the entire time and dedicated to rehearsals after school. Spent lots of time together editing the music, practising our moves, filming it & reviewing it. It was a crazy process but we became so excited about it after a few weeks that there was no turning back. The day came and the talent show was just hours away, we were all at the school at 5:30am to set up the sound system & lighting, to do a little more secret practising, and get our glow in the dark paint and white clothing on. We became the 2nd last act in the show due to some moving around, but we were glad to have some extra time before performing. The moment came and the MC's were talking about the previous act as we set up. My friend S and I were behind a platform in position to start I was so nervous but determined to get through it. S looked at me and whispered " I can't do this!" I was thinking the same thing but how could we just give up now? I gave her a little talk while the Mc's were starting to introduce us & reminded her its in the dark they can't see who we are. Whoever was doing the music for us messed up but quickly fixed it & started over. We did the dance and had a blast, my friend K did get hit in the head by a glow stick which we had thrown out to the crowd before the dance but we just moved on. We finished the dance & ran outside into the snow and had  mini celebration in the parking lot being so excited that we did it. Then got changed so no one could tell we had any part of the dance & returned to helping with the final performance.

      One other special moment I hope I never forget was after the students had filed out & we began cleaning up. My guidance councillor asked the school health nurse about the dance and who was in it. We all tried so hard to act normal but she figured out it was at least some of us. Then my guidance councillor pulled me aside and asked which one I was in the dance, then she gave me a hug & said " Good for you! I am so proud of you". That moment meant a lot to me & I hope it always will. I have even heard from teachers when we go to visit that other students who we don't even know have continued this! Other students have been doing glow in the dark dances too. Wow did we start a trend? OMG for once I'm a trendsetter!

   Don't be afraid to go out on a limb every once in awhile & do something new and something kind of scary. None of us never dreamed of ever doing anything like this, but we made a spur of the moment decision and said "Lets just do it!". It was worth it! <3 Love you girls! ( K,S,E,J,J,A)

Wordless Wednesday~ May 22nd 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hey, What is Victoria day?

    " Hey, What is Victoria day?" Question asked to me by the 6-year old I was babysitting last night. I could have just went with a "typical" answer and just say " A day off school and work." or " A holiday". But why not ACTUALLY give children a proper answer to at least some of their 400+ questions a day? So we had a conversation about what we know it means, it means no school or work, fireworks, and for some a long weekend because any stores are closed on Monday. We continued on to do some more research and see what we could find out. Here is what we wrote "Victoria Day is sometimes nicknamed May 24 but does not always fall on May 24 (Like this year). It is a holiday in honour of Queen Victoria who is the longest-reigning monarch of the United Kingdom. To celebrate we have this holiday where people get together, set off/watch fireworks, and maybe relax. Victoria,BC has a large parade to celebrate as the city was named after Queen Victoria. As for firework displays it is said that the best displays are in Toronto & Hamilton." We never knew we were witnesses to some of the most impressive firework displays for Victoria Day. He's already asking his parents if they can go to a firework display for Victoria Day. He also would like me to tell you all that the amusement parks and outdoor attractions open this weekend. LOL :) So that started another conversation with the other children about if we could go to ANY amusement park or outdoor attraction which one would you choose? Wild Water Works got 1 vote, Wonderland got 3, African Lion Safari got 1. Hopefully their parents don't get mad that they got excited and made a list of rides they want to go on at Wonderland LOL. Leave a comment on which Amusement Park or Outdoor attraction you would choose. I'd love to see what YOU would choose. HAPPY VICTORIA DAY!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Baby Drop Off Boxes? WHAT?!

This morning I ran into a post in my Facebook feed about 2 Edmonton hospitals opening up baby drop boxes & questioning if it should be legal. Below this post were many mixed comments for both sides of the argument. So I decided to look into it and see what these "Baby drop off boxes" are all about. I chose not to comment back on the post on Facebook in fear of being 'attacked" but thought the opinion of a young women should be put out there.

Baby Drop Off Boxes are pretty much what your thinking they are. They are a "drop-box" to safely leave a baby in because you believe you can not care for the baby and have decided to give up the child. With these boxes parents can leave their child safely with no questions asked.

The drop off box is basically a door in the wall that opens up to a little cupboard with a small plastic crib with a blanket and teddy bear inside it. The parent opens the door on the outside and after a minute a alarm goes off alerting a nurse that a child was potentially left inside the crib. The nurse then checks through a little peep hole to see if their is a child and if the door on the outside is closed ( so they know the parent is gone to allow the parent to stay anonymous ). The nurse would then take the baby and it would be checked over. If the child has no signs of physical harm then the hospital has no reason for searching for the baby's parents and the baby is handed over to child services for adoption.

Personally I don't think these boxes should be illegal. If you think about it, what sounds like the better option: having a baby in the drop box, or finding a baby in a dumpster, or at the side of a road. I think it would be a better option to leave the baby safely and let it go to someone who is going to love it and care for it rather than leave it to die.

Some of the comments say that it is becoming way to easy to abandon babies. For one I think its at least good they are giving a SAFE way to abandon them and second I don't think it makes it that easy. You go through the process of a child growing inside you and the pain of giving birth, I doubt your just going to say okay cool I'm just going to throw this in the drop box now and forget this happened. It is still going to be a tough choice to decide if you just want to say goodbye to this little human that you carried and gave birth to. Some other comments said why don't these young people think about the consequences of having sex, or use some form of birth control. Who says its ONLY for young parents? Yes that's most likely the main target group. But, it is still for everyone. Also with the sex ed classes I have been through that were mandatory through school ( unless your parents signed a form saying no) I'm sure they are aware of the consequences and know that basically sex = baby. I am also pretty sure they know about birth control methods, but lets be real the only 100% safe way is having no sex. Unfortunately it seems that the younger generation is engaging in sexual activities and not waiting ( I can hear the moms out there cringing!). Sure they got the sex talk at school & some also got  the talk at home, but I think many of us underestimate the power of desire and urges, as well as the effectiveness of BC pills, condoms, etc. It seems we keep adding these sex ed lessons and robot babies to the high school experience, I personally don't think it is as effective in preventing teen parents as people had hoped.

To be honest I know I felt very uncomfortable ( as well as many others) during sex ed & that I enjoyed having that robot baby. But how many of us students did it effect enough that we said "hey, babies are a lot of work and I should wait to have sex." I don't think it was that many. The classes were either to graphic for us that we tuned out the best we could or found ways to leave class, or they sparked our minds into digging deeper on our own and many exploring and experimenting way more than we should ( In my opinion) .

I don't think these boxes should be illegal. I don't exactly like the idea of someone abandoning their child, but I'm sure it takes a lot of thought and it is going to be used as a last resort.

Dear Blog. I've neglected you...

Dear Blog, I have neglected you WAY to much! Hello again! I hope that I am here more often writing to you and anyone who may actually be reading. Basically where we left off I wrote a few random posts and mentioned the college stress starting already. So fast forward to TODAY.

 I have successfully completed Year #1 of my Early Childhood Education course and with high grades! ( YES!). I'd say I did a fairly good job of staying stress free throughout the past two semesters, but I was very excited for Mid-April to come along and be finished for the summer. College so far hasn't been very different from high school except you get to focus mainly on one topic. When you choose something that you truly enjoy the work your given doesn't feel like work because you enjoy doing the research, doing the chapters upon chapters of reading, and taking about it almost all day. All of my professors were amazing and many of us students engaged in  "normal" conversation with them on top of our program discussions. I am really happy with my program and look forward to returning in a few months.

As for working on not neglecting this blog..... I hope I can get into a habit of writing posts here. Truth is this blog doesn't seem to have ONE strong topic. It's more random posts because I guess... I am a very random person. So if you enjoy randomness then I suppose you will enjoy this blog and my future posts :).