Friday, May 24, 2013

ABC Friday~ May 24th 2013 T

It's ABC Friday! I believe this weeks letter is T!

Here is my randomly selected T item ;) My Tassimo! AND it makes tea too! ( Double score??) Seriously I do love my Tassimo and use it everyday, if not multiple times a day. I wrote a review on it a few years back, as well as one of my best friends here is her review on her Tassimo experience. Tassimo Is definitely loved in our household!

Have you done an ABC Friday? Or Want to see more? Check out Mom Vs The Boys ABC Link OR Maple Leaf Mommy


  1. I so want a Tassimo! Haven't convinced the hubby yet!

    1. We all LOVE it and its great when someone comes over. Easily can offer them a coffee an have it ready in a minute. And don't have to make a whole pot of coffee.
