Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Dear Blog. I've neglected you...

Dear Blog, I have neglected you WAY to much! Hello again! I hope that I am here more often writing to you and anyone who may actually be reading. Basically where we left off I wrote a few random posts and mentioned the college stress starting already. So fast forward to TODAY.

 I have successfully completed Year #1 of my Early Childhood Education course and with high grades! ( YES!). I'd say I did a fairly good job of staying stress free throughout the past two semesters, but I was very excited for Mid-April to come along and be finished for the summer. College so far hasn't been very different from high school except you get to focus mainly on one topic. When you choose something that you truly enjoy the work your given doesn't feel like work because you enjoy doing the research, doing the chapters upon chapters of reading, and taking about it almost all day. All of my professors were amazing and many of us students engaged in  "normal" conversation with them on top of our program discussions. I am really happy with my program and look forward to returning in a few months.

As for working on not neglecting this blog..... I hope I can get into a habit of writing posts here. Truth is this blog doesn't seem to have ONE strong topic. It's more random posts because I guess... I am a very random person. So if you enjoy randomness then I suppose you will enjoy this blog and my future posts :).

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