Saturday, June 29, 2013

Made it to the one month mark!

As many of you DON'T know, I started a weight loss "Challenge" with two of my best friends. Today marks day 30 and we are still working on it! Honestly I didn't know if I would make it this far. Has it been hard at times? Heck YES! I think it was week 2 and I ended up gaining ( it wasn't even a whole pound it was point something) and I caught myself having those negative thoughts of screw this, I can't do this, etc. Yes I've had those major sugar urges I couldn't kick to the curb & yes I've "cheated" on a few occasions. But I'm still trying and working on it a month later & the warmer weather has arrived so we can get outside and enjoy it. It's starting to feel normal to think about what I'm eating, what I can do today to work out and the occasional what if I didn't lose weight this week?!

Here's A little sneak peek @ what our "system" is for this weight loss journey.

Each week we meet up  and put 25 cents in a jar for weigh-in and record our weight. If we gained we pay an extra 25 cents per pound and if we lost we get to take a rock out of our rock jar and put it in our own personal lost weight bin.

Each week a different member of the group makes dinner ( or occasionally lunch depending on what time of day it is)

Then we all work out together. ( And let me tell you its way more fun to workout with friends while you chat away and sometimes you don't really notice your working out)

Note that we aren't skipping meals, starving ourselves or popping diet pills to get a skinny body. None of the before stated ways are safe nor should you be doing them. what you should do is eat healthier :)

For me it's not all about fitting in & being able to accept myself. It's about having a healthier body, positive attitude, and being able to keep up with the children at work and my own children when I have them. I did have trouble accepting myself and struggling to fit in when I was in high school but ended up finding my own place to fit in and I eventually didn't care a lot bout what I looked like. No I don't mean I didn't shower! I mean I was happy with my weight and my looks and stopped trying to be everyone else. Besides I'm my own person right?!

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