Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quinoa Salad Recipe~ Tested and loved by the family!

This video holds a great recipe for Quinoa Salad from my idol Shaycarl (Youtuber) I follow his daily vlogs on the Shaytards channel and suggest you subscribe! The amount of smiles, laughs, words of wisdom, and encouragement I have got from his videos is amazing. During Shays "shayloss" weightless journey last year he started eating healthier foods etc and the fans started asking about this Quinoa Salad recipe so Shay & his beautiful wife ( who I am also a MAJOR fan of) made this video sharing the recipe. I have eaten this numerous times & love it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Shayloss Quinoa Salad

2 cups Quinoa
Cilantro bunch ( we prefer Parsley instead)
2 Limes
1 Jalapeno
1 Green Pepper
1 Onion
1 Garlic
2 Tomato's
1 Can corn
1 Can Black beans
1 TBSP Cumin
1 TSP Salt
1/3 cup Olive Oil
Tortillas or tortilla chips ( We prefer the tortilla chips)

Rinse quinoa with a fine strainer

Cook Quinoa (3 cups water to 2 cups Quinoa), Simmer for about 20 minutes, stir every 5-10 minute. If there are any puddles of water then Quinoa is not done.

While quinoa is cooking you can start cutting up the veggies and put them into a mixing bowl. You want to cut them fairly small so you don't have huge chucks.

 Breakdown of above step: Dice tomatoes to size of your preference
                                            Cilantro= Chop up the leafy part
                                            Jalapeno= Remove seeds, dice finely
                                            Green Pepper= Remove seeds and dice
                                            Onion= Diced
                                            Garlic= 5 cloves finely chopped
                                            Corn= Drain/rinse
                                             Black beans=drain/rinse
Shake up ingredients in bowl.. or do it the normal way and use a spoon.

Quinoa should be done/past done by now. Let it cool off and then throw the cooked quinoa in the mix and stir again.

Time to make the sauce!
(prepare in a separate bowl)
Combine: Olive oil, cumin, salt, and juice from limes

Pour sauce into bowl with quinoa and veggies and mix well

Eat Quinoa salad! ( Eat it like salsa with chips or put in a wrap)

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