Monday, July 1, 2013

Canada Day & Canadian Inventions you might not have known were CANADIAN!

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian readers, friends, and family :)
This morning while watching the Canada day celebrations in Ottawa my family and I got on the topic of Canadian inventions. "What do you think is Canada's best invention?" Poutine? Pablum?  soon we turned to the internet to see what else was invented in Canada and/or by Canadians. Here are a few ones we found:
  • McIntosh Red Apple ( By John McIntosh, 1811)
  • Walkie-Talkie (Donald Hings, & Alfred Gross, 1942)
  • Pager ( Alfred Gross,1949)
  • Peanut Butter (Marcellus Edson, 1884)
  • Cardiac Pacemaker (John Hopps)
  • Alkaline battery ( Lewis urry, 1954)
  • Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell,1876)
  • Instant Mashed Potato's (Edward Asselbergs, 1962)
  • Pablum ( Fredrick Tisdall, Theodore Drake, & Alan Brown, 1930) 
  • Canada Dry Ginger Ale ( John McLaughlin, 1907)
  • Brunton Compass (David Brunton,1894)
  • Poutine
  • Egg Carton (Joseph Coyle, 1911)
  • Nanaimo Bar
  • Electric Oven (Thomas Ahearn, 1882)
  • Butter tarts
  • Prosthetic hand (Helmut Lucas, 1971)
  • 5-pin Bowling ( Thomas Ryan, 1909)
  • Goalie Mask ( Jacques Plante, 1959)
  • Trivial Pursuit (Chris Hanley, &Scott Abbott,1979)
  • Insulin ( For diabetes treatment) (Fredrick Banting, Charles Best, James Collip, 1922)
  • Plexiglas ( William Chalmers, 1931)
  • Easy Off oven Cleaner ( Herbery McCool, 1932)
  • Garbage Bag ( Henry Wasylyk , 1950
  • Jolly jumper ( Olivia Poole, 1959)
  • Basketball ( James Naismith,1891)
  • Electric Light bulb ( Henry Woodward , 1874) (Later sold the patient to Thomas Edison)
  • Electric Organ (Morse Robb, 1928)
  • Gramophone ( Alexander Graham Bell, & Emile Berliner,1889)
  • IMAX movie system ( Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, and Robert Kerr,1968)
  • JAVA ( James Gosling, 1994)
  • Zipper (Gideon Sundback ,1913)
  • WonderBra (Moses Nadler, 1935)
  • Electric Wheel Chair (George Klein)
  • Robertson Screw (Peter Robertson,1908)
What is your favorite invention from the list above? It's hard to choose because so many of them play a large role in our everyday life! I'd say that my FAVORITE is:

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