Tuesday, July 16, 2013

R.I.P Talia Joy ~ Youtube make-up guru & Ellen's honorary Covergirl

          Talia Joy was a young 13 year old girl who gained popularity on her youtube channel taliajoy18 and even more popularity after appearing on the Ellen show where she became an honorary Covergirl. Talia was an aspiring make-up artist and did many make-up tutorial videos on her channel. She said that "Make-up is my wig". But..... why? Talia was battling a childhood cancer called neuroblastoma and due to treatments like many cancer patients had lost her hair. Talia chose not to wear a wig because she didn't want to "be fake". Make-up became her "wig" & she used make-up to help her express her personality.  Talia was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma on valentines day of 2007, over the years since she had beat neuroblastoma an relapsed a few times over the past few years. Even during her battle against cancer Talia seemed to have a very positive attitude & still remembered to have fun doing silly make-up challenges with friends and family, I remember on her appearance on the Ellen show, Ellen asked Talia how she stays so brave & Talia answered that a fish told her to just keep swimming ( anyone know the fish she's referring to?). Then in late 2012 Talia broke the news to fans that they had found out that she also pre-leukemia and her cancer had progressed. Talia was now faced with neuroblastoma & leukemia at the same time and given less than 12 months to live. The doctors suggested a bone marrow transplant as a possible remedy, Talia decided not to have the painful surgery and focus on enjoying whatever time she had left. She spent time with her friends and family, making videos on youtube, chatting with subscribers and launched a clothing line called "That bald chick". It always amazed me and will always amaze me how positive Talia stayed, and everything she worked to accomplish  both on her own and with the help of her fans. I was very sad to learn that after 6 years battling, Talia lost her battle with not one but two types of cancer (neuroblastoma & leukemia) at 11:22 am this morning. I admit I was also shocked, yes she had cancer, and yes doctors gave her 12 months to live, but I was really hoping she would beat it and not relapse. It is very sad that she's gone & I hope she is never forgotten by her fans. Especially those who are working on completing Talia's bucket list for her <3

R.I.P Talia <3


  1. Talia was such a positive fun loving girl! I'm glad for all the videos she did and that she did everything she could to enjoy her life to the best of her ability :)

  2. yep make-up was her wig. such an inspirational young lady!
