Monday, December 30, 2013

Here Comes the new year

In a little over two days we will be saying good-bye to 2013 & hello to 2014. I'm already thinking back on 2013 and how much I'm going to miss it. I have some pretty great memories from this past year, in all honesty I'm not ready for 2014. This past year has actually been pretty amazing, maybe even the best year yet ( that I can remember anyway). Yes there were a few negative things that happened in 2013 & even though I wish to change them I can't. Overall though thinking back on these past 12 months, it has been a great year & I'm not sure I'm ready to leave it. I just have a bad feeling that this coming year isn't going to be good, I hate having weird gut feelings like that. I guess in reality I've never been the type that's shouting out " Yeah! New year!" I've always seen new years eve/day as just another day. None of the "New year!, New me!" and crazy new years resolutions and so on & so forth. It's just a night that turns into a morning with a new number after 201 . This new year is already making me feel uneasy, which is really the bad aspects of 2013 continuing/ worsening. Long story short the bad aspects of 2013 are health issues happening to a few of my family members. Which like I mentioned before I wish I could change, but I can't. Maybe that's why 2014 has me so worried. I can only hope I'm wrong and that 2014 is AMAZING! 2014 please be good to me! I'll stop ranting now.
What are your plans for New Years Eve?
What are you hoping for in 2014?
My plans for new years eve this year~ Stay in maybe watch a movie, have some chips,see if any of my other friends are new years eve misfits and make a plan with them. Wow that sounded kind of depressing.
Hopes for 2014~ Lets see... find love, graduate, get a job, win the lottery...... alright I'll be more specific & realistic that that. I want to continue being active in my youth group, continue working towards living a healthier lifestyle ( going to the gym on campus, trying not to get to stressed) & how about blog some more.... I know this blog I have is LAME so maybe I should try and add more content & have some sort of focus.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

May I suggest~ November 2013

May I recommend a few of my favorite things? I thought it would be a new unique idea to do a post like this every month suggesting certain people to check out, things to see, etc that I would recommend.

Actor ~  Robert Sheehan
Blog ~ Canadian Free Stuff
Book ~ The mortal instruments; City of ashes
Candy ~ Chocolate
Clothing item~  Hoodie
Commercial ~ Joe boxer Christmas
Country Song (Female) ~ Jamie Lynn Spears~ How could I want more ( yep, she sings country now!)
Country Song (Male) ~  Luke Bryan~ That's my kind of night
Cover of a song ~ Todrick Hall~ wizard of AHHS ( not exactly a cover of A song, more so many)
Hairstyle ~ Curly
Hair Accessory ~ Bobby pins!
Hip Hop Song ~ nothing specific this month.
Home Appliance ~ nothing specific this month.
Indoor Hobby ~ Baking cookies
Iphone app~ Happier
Meal ~ Chicken & sweet potato fries
Movie Already released~ Miracle on 34th st
Movie In theaters ~ Frozen
Movie Coming soon~ Vlogumentary ( Trailer)
Outdoor Hobby ~ Walking in the snowfall
Quote/saying ~ Always wear your invisible crown
Sound~ nothing specific this month.
Sport~ Football
Drink ~ Lemon infused water
Toy from the past~ Poo-chi
Video Game~ Just dance 4
Youtube Channel~ Shaytards!!

I am always looking for other categories to add to this list so please leave a suggestion in the comments.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dear highschool girls lost in the shuffle, bullied, ignored, lost.......

Dear high school girls lost in the shuffle,

    I know exactly what it's like. To feel like no one cares who you are, why your there, or even acknowledges that you exist. To feel like part of the unpopular group, struggling to fit in & find a place in one of your high schools ACTUAL cliques. Feeling forced to do things your unsure of & battling yourself to decide what you feel you need to do. I've been that quiet girl hiding in a corner unsure of what to say & when to say it.  I know what its like to have assignments coming at you in every direction, people dragging you every which way, the pressures to fit in, and much more, and your left feeling like your drowning. I have been that girl sitting all alone, I've been the girl who only seemed to bond with teachers, I have been the girl everyone laughed at for being a "goodie-two shoes" ( so what I like to wear BOTH my shoes, JOKING!). I have been bullied and honestly feel I have been a victim to bullying since grade 2 and it still continues. I've been the girl who would wake-up in the morning, wish it was still early and I could go back to bed. Then I'd look at my clock and see it was indeed time to get up & get ready to go to "school", and would think of excuses not to go to school that day. School was a miserable place for me to go to & I would often wish " let this this be the last time this happens" or " please just let me have ONE GOOD DAY!".

Yes, I eventually did confide in someone I trusted. To be told, " it's part of life it will stop soon", or " I'm not going to intervene because I might make it worse." . Great, so your going to do nothing? not even offer advice? alright thanks!.....not. I will admit it was hard, and I felt so alone since once I convinced myself it was time to tell someone and get advice to make it all end to be told things like that.

The good news? I eventually did find someone I was comfortable talking to that DID offer me advice & comfort. Any guesses who it ended up being? My guidance councillor! Who knew?! Thinking back, I should have just started there. But truth is I was afraid, confused, and silently hoping it would suddenly stop sometime soon. But, after just 10 minutes (  totally unplanned)talking to my guidance councillor, I started to feel hope again that things would get better. I talked with my guidance councillor more over the next few weeks and things started to work out & school wasn't such a nightmare anymore. I'm so thankful I had her around to help me!

Things I feel helped me:
Joining in on clubs/groups/organizations within your school/part of your school or age group
Finding someone who would listen and offer some type of help
Not responding to most of the bullying when it happens
BE YOU, forget what everyone else is telling you about what YOU should be. you control you, not them!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Where did the time go?

Hello everyone!

It's been awhile since I have posted on here! I have NO IDEA where the time went and can't even believe it's been so long since I have posted. I guess "time flies when your having fun"? I must have been so wrapped up in my school between chapter readings, assignments, tests, and so on that I forgot about YOU. How on earth did that happen? I love reading your comments and having conversations and have totally missed out on this these past few months! Now that midterms are over I'm starting to get some of my time back so I decided to check in and was shocked that I haven't blogged in so LONG! Anyone want to come join me for my 4 hour break between classes? Why on earth do they make college schedules like this? honestly?

Till next time!

Monday, August 12, 2013

May I recommend......~ August 2013

May I recommend a few of my favorite things? I thought it would be a new unique idea to do a post like this every month suggesting certain people to check out, things to see, etc that I would recommend.

Actor ~ Kellen Lutz
Blog ~ Shannon's View From Here
Book ~ The Mortal Instruments : City of bones
Candy ~ Bridge Mix
Clothing item~ Graphic Tees
Commercial ~ Old Spice (I know its an older commercial)
Country Song (Female) ~ Taylor Swift ~ Everything Has Changed
Country Song (Male) ~ Florida Georgia Line~ Cruise
Cover of a song ~ Clarity ~ Alex Goot, Luke Conard, Landon Austin
Hairstyle ~ Straightened
Hair Accessory ~ Flexi~ 8
Hip Hop Song ~ Same Love~ Macklemore
Home Appliance ~ Tassimo ( If you don't know what it is here is their website )
Indoor Hobby ~ Scrapbooking
Iphone app~ RunKeeper
Meal ~ Quinoa Salad ( see here)
Movie Already released~ Juno
Movie In theaters ~ The Mortal Instruments: City Of Bones ( Trailer)
Movie Coming soon~ Vlogumentary ( Trailer)
Outdoor Hobby ~ Geocaching ( It can be a great family activity)
Quote ~ " Try to be like the turtle- at ease in your own shell." ~ Bill Copeland
Sound~ Thunderstorm ( to some extent)
Sport~ Baseball
Summer Drink ~ Frozen Hot Chocolate
Toy from the past~ TV Teddy
Video Game~ Wii Fit Plus
Youtube Channel~ Shaytards

I am always looking for other categories to add to this list so please leave a suggestion in the comments.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Importance Of A Outstanding Coach

    Sports are a big piece of life with kids for many families and have been for generations. Sports not only keep kids busy & active but they also play a role in building self-esteem, developing & improving physical skills, improving social skills, goal setting skills, and teaching perseverance. A big part of teaching all those wonderful skills comes from an exceptional coach. Coaches either build a child's hopes & dreams for the sport or they crush them, whether the coach realizes it or not.  Unfortunately not all coaches are "exceptional", and your child misses a great opportunity to enhance their skills. My guess is that's not what you put your kids in sports for. You want them to learn skills, and have fun.

   Coaches need to have certain characteristics, and parents should be watching for certain characteristics in their child's coach. I used to think you just sign up for the sport your child is showing an interest in and that's it. I soon learned it's best to "access" the coach before you just sign them up. Of course the coach ( or one of the assistant coaches) will most likely be a dad of a player on the team, but that doesn't necessarily mean they shouldn't be coaching. I actually think almost anyone can be a good coach. What is important to know & look for in a coach?   Coaches need to be a positive role model, children look up to their coaches and will most likely act like their coach at times, it's how they learn to react at games and in many situations. What else does a outstanding coach "need"?:
  • Appropriate sportsmanship
  • Knowledge on the sport ( no they don't need to be a walking encyclopedia on the sport, but at least some knowledge on the sport)
  • Treats ALL players with respect
  • Has a general understanding of child's physical development ( strength, flexibility, coordination, balance)
  • Knows how to prevent and quickly access injuries
  • Uses positive verbal communication
  • Shows empathy
  • Exhibits patience
  • Understands how to set goals with children
  • Spends time with children helping them succeed ( This includes one-on-one help when needed) 
A coach that has the ability to retain a positive attitude will help children to keep a positive attitude towards their coach(es), their teammates, the sport, and it even leads into positive attitudes in everyday life.

    Coaches need to know the importance of being a positive role model to their team. Sometimes coaches need a reality check to remember:
  •  Children are new to these skills, They haven't been playing 10 years like you may have.
  •  Not all children are the same, Some learn & comprehend slower then others.
  •  Some of the kids "won't get you", you maybe trying to help them but they might see you as being mean to them & get upset
  • You're teaching the basics, basics first then lead into the more complex stuff slowly
  • Winning is NOT the only thing, yes winning is great but it is not the only thing
  • ALL children have potential
  • Remember the difference between projecting your voice and yelling
  • You need to keep things positive, simple, & clear
  • Kids don't just know the lingo, signs, and rules of the game. That's why you are teaching them.
  • Keep meetings brief, no rambling on for 20 minutes.
  • THIS ISN'T MAJOR LEAGUE, this is kids learning a sport, that has to come first.
I know in the coaching position you will at times have to be "negative" and tell kids they are doing something wrong, but there is a difference between criticism ( aka destructive) and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. There is a great difference between saying " NO THAT'S NOT HOW YOU CATCH A BALL!" & Don't catch the ball like that, you may get hurt ( if that be the case), when you catch the ball catch it with your fingers up ( if that's the case for the particular sport & lesson). When giving constructive criticism you are helping to construct the skill. You need to tell them what's wrong and suggest how it could be done better, in a positive tone. If you were to use the first phrase and simply yell "that's not how you catch a ball" your not helping anyone, for all we know the child is thinking " I don't know how else to catch a ball, what do you mean that's not how to catch a ball, I caught it right?".

     How else can we figure out if the coach isn't right for the team/ your child? Watch for warning signs  like these before games, at games, after games, also practises.

  • Coach is unorganized ( Do they have roster sheets ready for games?, do they know where certain equipment is, what about your child's name or what they need to work on?)
  • Focused on their future, not your children's
  • Language ( Swearing, etc)
  • Poor Communication with team, as well as parents
  • Not enthusiastic
  • Clearly has a favorite or two
  • Isolates child from the team
  • Disrespectful
  • Always focusing on the negative ( rarely tells the children when they are doing good, only when they are ding bad)
  • Your child doesn't want to go to the game or practise ( Especially if this is a sport they begged you to play, and of course if they are in good health and there isn't another reason why they wouldn't want to go)

I'm not Rapunzel anymore......

      A majority of my hair is now in a bag in the mail on it's way to Pantene Beautiful lengths. I decided to update everyone on my hair donation story since I posted that almost a month ago.

       I cut my hair about two weeks ago now. I'm still not used to my new hair but I don't hate it. Long story short, I told the hairdresser I wanted to keep my hair mid back ( at least longer than shoulder length). She told me she has done many ponytails for donation so she knew the requirement was 8 inches, and she asked me about my bangs, which I told her I liked them the way they were and she didn't have to worry about them. So she went to work on my hair and instead of cutting around 8 inches she cut off a ponytail that was 17 inches long...... and of course my hair was now shoulder length. So since I was not expecting that length I was a bit upset but kept my mouth shut, since its not like you can just stick it back on. She finished up making my hair even and of course she cut my bangs as well. So anyways I was stuck with hair tickling my neck and shoulders and bangs that were curled perfectly into my eye.  But enough of that, because after I got over the initial shock of my hair being short, it wasn't so bad. Got up the next day and didn't even have to do much to my hair, that was kind of nice not to have to spend tons of time brushing my hair. Then I had a shower and washed it for the first time (after the cut) and discovered I actually have wavy-curly hair.... So now I had closer to chin length hair. At first I hated having curling hair but apparently everyone else likes it on me, well except my dad who prefers it straight. Now that It has been some time I am GLAD I donated it, and remembered that I could have no hair & need to be thankful for my hair. Yes my hair is short & yes I am not used to it. but it's going to grow and I plan to donate it again. Donation Number three COMPLETED & photos are below.

Here is my hair the day before I got it cut: ( It is a little bit wavy and was straightened after this picture)
Here is my hair after I got home and tried to take a picture of the back :
And this is shortly after I had a shower and washed it & got a major shock:
And FINALLY the long ponytail that Pantene Beautiful Lengths is getting to make a FREE wig for a woman battling cancer.


If you, or a family member is going to have a haircut soon look into the requirements, You just may have enough hair to give one of the best gifts of all.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to school...ALREADY?

I feel like school just ended a few weeks ago and BAM everywhere you look its back to school, Tv ads, back to school stuff out in the stores, back to school flyers, etc. I was doing pretty well ignoring it until last week when I had to pick my timetable ( which of course they changed the format, and I was confused, and frustrated) and it hit me schools coming up fast! I just looked at the calendar and realized in 22 days I'm going to be sitting at a desk while teachers ramble on. Yikes! I went out this week and bought a few school supplies but I am NOT looking forward to going back yet. Oh summer 2013 why do you have to be leaving already? I'm not ready for the cold 6:30 am waits for the bus, or the long days at school.

HOW are YOU prepping for back to school?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

I will see you next week.....

Just a quick post to inform you I will not be around for about two weeks. I'm heading to my grandparents to help out and then heading to the trailer. I promise I will be back soon, I just don't know how much time or internet connection for that matter I will have. I will be at the trailer, swimming, reading, playing bingo, hay riding, and relaxing. See you all soon!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I share my hair for the women battling cancer

"Don't you ever complain about having a bad hair day. There are many cancer patients that wish they had the beautiful hair you have." ~ My Great Aunt Maxine

   Growing up I was used to getting compliments from my friends and family (and the occasional stranger) on my long strawberry blonde hair. Through-out my childhood my hair did what hair does it grew, longer & longer. I did not like going to the hairdressers as a young child so my mom finally excepted to just wait until I was ready. She occasionally asked me when I was going to cut it and my answer was often " NEVER! I love my hair!". I would let my mom trim my hair but that did not happen often! Eventually my hair was long enough to sit on since I love long hair, I didn't care that I was sitting on it.

   That summer was insanely hot since we had no AC and I had super long hair. We went to a family BBQ where like always I got tons of family touching my hair and complimenting on how beautiful & long it was. My great aunt Maxine who I did not get to see often ( maybe once or twice  year) complimented my long hair & it's color while playing with it. " Your hair is so beautiful! I love your color" My answer was something along the lines of you have the same color silly! and its not pretty today its a rats nest & I look like a rag-a-muffin. She looked at me and smiled & said I pay for this hair color and "Don't you ever complain about having a bad hair day. There are many cancer patients that wish they had the beautiful hair you have." I didn't know what to say so just said thanks and ran off to play with my cousins. She had a point though, here I was with all this hair when there are people with little or no hair wishing they had some. Little did I know that my great aunt was actually of them!

   I started looking online for how to donate your hair to cancer patients for wigs. How much do I need to cut off? Where do I go? Where do I put the hair? I found Pantene Beautiful Lengths
and started reading and thinking. I found out that I needed to cut off a minimum of 8 inches, no dye, and no more than 5% grey. Alright, I have more than 8 inches extra I can spare 8 inches no problem, dye? heck no!! no dye here and oh dear I hope I don't have grey yet! My mom came into the office while I was reading donation stories and asked what I was doing. I couldn't think up a story so I told her I am looking at donating my hair to help cancer patients feel more like themselves. Shocked she asked are you sure? and then asked about the requirements, and where we get it done & where we take the hair. We found out we can go anywhere since they have a sheet for taking to your stylist. Where does the hair go? In a ziplock, in an envelope, and in the mail.

  Summer was almost over and the entire family went for haircuts before back to school. This is it, I'm donating my hair. I will admit I was teary and worried and freaked out when the stylist said lets do your hair really short. Nope, not happening! After talking my mom and the stylist agreed on 13 inches... I however was still very nervous but gave in because I just wanted out of the chair & to be done. I'm actually really happy to say I sent 13 inches off to Pantene beautiful lengths for them to make a FREE wig for a women fighting cancer ( It actually takes 6-8 ponytails to make a wig so I guess I made part of a wig). I didn't like my new style but it was nothing a month & some positive attitude couldn't fix. Since it was my first real time at the hair dressers I had no idea what to tell her and made the mistake of letting her do what she wanted as long as my hair was kept as long as possible. Those bangs and huge puffy hair are NOT my thing! As well as the fact she spent 40 minutes styling my hair which I would never do.

   That was a few years ago now & my hair has grown long again. I have made the decision to again donate my hair and send it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I'm excited & hopefully the new hairstylist & I will be able to communicate better and I don't end up full out hating my hair. The "goal" this time is donate hair 8+ inches but keep it longer than shoulder length and do not touch my bangs. And no matter what, its for a good cause and some lucky women out there will have a beautiful real hair wig.

For the record here is a before picture ( of my current hair)


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Summer Sand Pail list UPDATE

My 2013 Summer Sand-Pail/bucket list update! It's been a few weeks since I posted my list so thought I would update on what is done or in progress. As well as some pictures down below!

My 2013 Sand-Pail list!:
  1. Cut my hair & Donate it
  2. Camp with friends
  3. Lose weight ( I am now down 5 lbs and I'm still going to work on it so not really off my list but in progress)
  4. Build a sandcastle
  5. Have a picnic at a local park
  6. Have a water balloon fight
  7. Volunteer ( I recently returned to one of my volunteer groups & started volunteering again! So far it has been fun :) )
  8. Blog ( Well as we can see I have blogged a few times so check! but I do plan to continue to blog throughout the summer! )
  9. Watch the sunset
  10. Find a geocache ( Not check-YET! but I did quickly stop at the area for one and thought I found it but, I had found the decoy!)
  11. Have a scavenger hunt
  12. Go Mini putting
  13. Chalk & run ( 2 weeks ago one of my best friends and I went to a nearby park that has trcks to walk, run, bike, rollerblade etc on. While there we chalked inspirational messages to help keep people going. It was a lot of fun and they lasted for 4 or 5 days before the rain washed them away. I even saw some tweets and instagram pictures of them from other people, it honestly felt good.)
  14. Go to amusement park
  15. Go to water park
  16. Do a 5k
  17. Go out for ice cream with a friend
  18. Eat S'mores
  19. Sit in a hammock
  20. Drink cold hot chocolate ( awesome alternative to HOT chocolate during the summer!)
  21. Have a spa day
  22. Movies!
  23. Dance in the rain
  24. Scrapbook
  25. Go bowling
  26. Rollerblade
  27. Go to a fair/carnival
  28. Bake
  29. Make a movie
  30. Watch fireworks  ( Canada day weekend I got to sit on the second level of our house and watch fireworks all across the city, so many beautiful displays!)
  31. Plan a party
  32. Organize closet ( in progress,,,, I started over a week ago :S)
  33. Go out for dinner
  34. Make smoothies
  35. Throw a Frisbee
  36. Organize/play a game of kickball
  37. Have a sleepover
  38. Take kids to an indoor playground
  39. Organize/play a game of capture the flag
  40. Go to a water fall
  41. Photoshoot
  42. Throw a football
  43. Make a pizza
  44. Roll down a hill
  45. Read in the sunshine
  46. Get Ice cream from an ice cream truck
  47. Find a castle
  48. Eat one new thing
  49. Run through a sprinkler
  50. Sleep till Noon ( once) ( yep that's done! I didn't even mean to it was one of those press the snooze button and sleep for 10 more minutes ( that was at 9 am) next time I woke up was 12:07...)
  51. Have a Disney movie marathon
  52. Go to a trailer park
  53. Shop for back to school

Wordless Wednesday~ July 17 2013~ Berry fun Strawberry picking

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

R.I.P Talia Joy ~ Youtube make-up guru & Ellen's honorary Covergirl

          Talia Joy was a young 13 year old girl who gained popularity on her youtube channel taliajoy18 and even more popularity after appearing on the Ellen show where she became an honorary Covergirl. Talia was an aspiring make-up artist and did many make-up tutorial videos on her channel. She said that "Make-up is my wig". But..... why? Talia was battling a childhood cancer called neuroblastoma and due to treatments like many cancer patients had lost her hair. Talia chose not to wear a wig because she didn't want to "be fake". Make-up became her "wig" & she used make-up to help her express her personality.  Talia was diagnosed with stage four neuroblastoma on valentines day of 2007, over the years since she had beat neuroblastoma an relapsed a few times over the past few years. Even during her battle against cancer Talia seemed to have a very positive attitude & still remembered to have fun doing silly make-up challenges with friends and family, I remember on her appearance on the Ellen show, Ellen asked Talia how she stays so brave & Talia answered that a fish told her to just keep swimming ( anyone know the fish she's referring to?). Then in late 2012 Talia broke the news to fans that they had found out that she also pre-leukemia and her cancer had progressed. Talia was now faced with neuroblastoma & leukemia at the same time and given less than 12 months to live. The doctors suggested a bone marrow transplant as a possible remedy, Talia decided not to have the painful surgery and focus on enjoying whatever time she had left. She spent time with her friends and family, making videos on youtube, chatting with subscribers and launched a clothing line called "That bald chick". It always amazed me and will always amaze me how positive Talia stayed, and everything she worked to accomplish  both on her own and with the help of her fans. I was very sad to learn that after 6 years battling, Talia lost her battle with not one but two types of cancer (neuroblastoma & leukemia) at 11:22 am this morning. I admit I was also shocked, yes she had cancer, and yes doctors gave her 12 months to live, but I was really hoping she would beat it and not relapse. It is very sad that she's gone & I hope she is never forgotten by her fans. Especially those who are working on completing Talia's bucket list for her <3

R.I.P Talia <3

Friday, July 5, 2013

If I had a million dollars.....

   Tonight's the night the $50,000,000 ( as well as 2-1 Million prizes) are up for grabs in Lotto Max. I got to thinking what would I do if I was lucky enough to win even just one of the million dollar prizes? So I decided to grab a calculator, sit down, research prices, and think about it. It is really fun to dream & wish!

First of all I'm sure I would be so excited and have feelings that are unexplainable, I think I'd want to try ( key word try) and stay normal and not change my life completely. I'd want to remain the same person and continue my life without others judging me on the fact I won the lottery. Actually I would try not to tell anyone that I won, and try to space out my spending so it's not super obvious, and of course still use coupons and look for deals.

How would I spend it? That's a very good question!
First I think I would give my parents some money to pay off bills, Then I would set aside money to pay off my student loan so I can pay it soon after I graduate. Alright there's the top two for sure. Then I would go house hunting and buy a house (can't live with parents forever :( ), buy some 'necessities" for the house, a nice stainless steel double door fridge with water & ice machine and a freezer drawer, a nice black & stainless steel electric range, oh and I will need to do laundry, so how about a nice washer and dryer set. Hmmm....what next? I think I'd like to go out and buy some "Thank-you" gifts for some friends and family. I know my mom would really love a Dyson DC-42 animal vacuum, and I know that our current vacuum DOESN'T suck ( seriously it doesn't pick up anything!). HMMM What to get for dad, he always seems to be the hardest to buy for! of course I could buy him some golf balls and my normal go to stuff, but come on if I had a million dollars I have to choose something way better than that! OH! I'd buy him a laptop! His got stolen years ago and I have noticed recently he has been coming home for a few minutes to look something up then leave and drive back to wherever he was. I've heard some good things about HP laptops recently too! Then for my sister & close aunts and uncles id go and buy them something special maybe at least $100 each?  Alright who's next?  My two best friends! Now, what to get I buy each of them a nice gift? Do I take them/send them away on a trip? Maybe send them on a cruise, I know K wants to go on a Backstreet Boys Cruise :).
Then I think it would be cool to put aside at least a thousand dollars and surprize people by buying some of their Christmas gifts or groceries for them.  Wow a million is actually a lot to spend when you take it easy and think things through! I think I would put some money aside for my dream of adopting a child and the rest I would save for living life fairly normal and for random acts of kindness. I guess I could use some of it to open my own daycare.

If I had a million dollars.......

Monday, July 1, 2013

Canada Day & Canadian Inventions you might not have known were CANADIAN!

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian readers, friends, and family :)
This morning while watching the Canada day celebrations in Ottawa my family and I got on the topic of Canadian inventions. "What do you think is Canada's best invention?" Poutine? Pablum?  soon we turned to the internet to see what else was invented in Canada and/or by Canadians. Here are a few ones we found:
  • McIntosh Red Apple ( By John McIntosh, 1811)
  • Walkie-Talkie (Donald Hings, & Alfred Gross, 1942)
  • Pager ( Alfred Gross,1949)
  • Peanut Butter (Marcellus Edson, 1884)
  • Cardiac Pacemaker (John Hopps)
  • Alkaline battery ( Lewis urry, 1954)
  • Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell,1876)
  • Instant Mashed Potato's (Edward Asselbergs, 1962)
  • Pablum ( Fredrick Tisdall, Theodore Drake, & Alan Brown, 1930) 
  • Canada Dry Ginger Ale ( John McLaughlin, 1907)
  • Brunton Compass (David Brunton,1894)
  • Poutine
  • Egg Carton (Joseph Coyle, 1911)
  • Nanaimo Bar
  • Electric Oven (Thomas Ahearn, 1882)
  • Butter tarts
  • Prosthetic hand (Helmut Lucas, 1971)
  • 5-pin Bowling ( Thomas Ryan, 1909)
  • Goalie Mask ( Jacques Plante, 1959)
  • Trivial Pursuit (Chris Hanley, &Scott Abbott,1979)
  • Insulin ( For diabetes treatment) (Fredrick Banting, Charles Best, James Collip, 1922)
  • Plexiglas ( William Chalmers, 1931)
  • Easy Off oven Cleaner ( Herbery McCool, 1932)
  • Garbage Bag ( Henry Wasylyk , 1950
  • Jolly jumper ( Olivia Poole, 1959)
  • Basketball ( James Naismith,1891)
  • Electric Light bulb ( Henry Woodward , 1874) (Later sold the patient to Thomas Edison)
  • Electric Organ (Morse Robb, 1928)
  • Gramophone ( Alexander Graham Bell, & Emile Berliner,1889)
  • IMAX movie system ( Grahame Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, and Robert Kerr,1968)
  • JAVA ( James Gosling, 1994)
  • Zipper (Gideon Sundback ,1913)
  • WonderBra (Moses Nadler, 1935)
  • Electric Wheel Chair (George Klein)
  • Robertson Screw (Peter Robertson,1908)
What is your favorite invention from the list above? It's hard to choose because so many of them play a large role in our everyday life! I'd say that my FAVORITE is:

Sunday, June 30, 2013

My summer 2013 "sand-pail" list

Hello Summer 2013! Hello nice weather! And hello to my sand pail list!

Okay so I'm going to guess your thinking what on earth is a sand pail list? A sand pail list is just like a bucket list. Except its a list of things you want to do by the end of summer not your life.

My 2013 Sand-Pail list!:
  1. Cut my hair & Donate it
  2. Camp with friends
  3. Lose weight
  4. Build a sandcastle
  5. Have a picnic at a local park
  6. Have a water balloon fight
  7. Volunteer
  8. Blog
  9. Watch the sunset
  10. Find a geocache
  11. Have a scavenger hunt
  12. Go Mini putting
  13. Chalk & run
  14. Go to amusement park
  15. Go to water park
  16. Do a 5k
  17. Go out for ice cream with a friend
  18. Eat S'mores
  19. Sit in a hammock
  20. Drink cold hot chocolate
  21. Have a spa day
  22. Movies!
  23. Dance in the rain
  24. Scrapbook
  25. Go bowling
  26. Rollerblade
  27. Go to a fair/carnival
  28. Bake
  29. Make a movie
  30. Watch fireworks
  31. Plan a party
  32. Organize closet
  33. Go out for dinner
  34. Make smoothies
  35. Throw a Frisbee
  36. Organize/play a game of kickball
  37. Have a sleepover
  38. Take kids to an indoor playground
  39. Organize/play a game of capture the flag
  40. Go to a water fall
  41. Photoshoot
  42. Throw a football
  43. Make a pizza
  44. Roll down a hill
  45. Read in the sunshine
  46. Get Ice cream from an ice cream truck
  47. Find a castle
  48. Eat one new thing
  49. Run through a sprinkler
  50. Sleep till Noon ( once)
  51. Have a Disney movie marathon
  52. Go to a trailer park
  53. Shop for back to school

Do you have a sand-pail list/ to do list for summer 2013? Share yours below! :)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

$1 Flip-Flops at Old Navy!?

I don't have a flip flop addiction....... okay shhhhh :P

I'm just really excited to "brag" about my mini spree @ Old Navy today. I woke up this morning and made my way to the kitchen to choose food for breakfast. I glanced at the calendar and noticed $1 flip flops @ Old Navy marked on todays date and checked the store hours for my local store and headed over. I bought myself some new flip flops and thought maybe my mom would like some too. Only problem was the limit of 5. I talked to a very energetic and bubbly young man who works at Old navy here ( Yikes saying young man makes me sound old!). Anyway he said its 5 per transaction so if I wanted I could get more and wait in line again. So I found my mom at work and asked her what size/ colors she would like and headed back.  I selected 5 pairs for my mom and tried to go with that she normally likes for colors and got back in line. No joke the line went from the cash at the front through the two lanes they have set up for a line, to the back of the store, and then across the back of the store. I'm sure a few people just said screw it and left thinking it would take forever, but I timed it and Old Navy worked fast and although the line was large it was only about 10 minutes from the second I walked into the line to the time I was handed my bag after paying. Can't wait for my mom to come home and see her new flip flops I selected for her :) .

Thank-you to Canadian Free Stuff for reminding me! <3

Made it to the one month mark!

As many of you DON'T know, I started a weight loss "Challenge" with two of my best friends. Today marks day 30 and we are still working on it! Honestly I didn't know if I would make it this far. Has it been hard at times? Heck YES! I think it was week 2 and I ended up gaining ( it wasn't even a whole pound it was point something) and I caught myself having those negative thoughts of screw this, I can't do this, etc. Yes I've had those major sugar urges I couldn't kick to the curb & yes I've "cheated" on a few occasions. But I'm still trying and working on it a month later & the warmer weather has arrived so we can get outside and enjoy it. It's starting to feel normal to think about what I'm eating, what I can do today to work out and the occasional what if I didn't lose weight this week?!

Here's A little sneak peek @ what our "system" is for this weight loss journey.

Each week we meet up  and put 25 cents in a jar for weigh-in and record our weight. If we gained we pay an extra 25 cents per pound and if we lost we get to take a rock out of our rock jar and put it in our own personal lost weight bin.

Each week a different member of the group makes dinner ( or occasionally lunch depending on what time of day it is)

Then we all work out together. ( And let me tell you its way more fun to workout with friends while you chat away and sometimes you don't really notice your working out)

Note that we aren't skipping meals, starving ourselves or popping diet pills to get a skinny body. None of the before stated ways are safe nor should you be doing them. what you should do is eat healthier :)

For me it's not all about fitting in & being able to accept myself. It's about having a healthier body, positive attitude, and being able to keep up with the children at work and my own children when I have them. I did have trouble accepting myself and struggling to fit in when I was in high school but ended up finding my own place to fit in and I eventually didn't care a lot bout what I looked like. No I don't mean I didn't shower! I mean I was happy with my weight and my looks and stopped trying to be everyone else. Besides I'm my own person right?!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quinoa Salad Recipe~ Tested and loved by the family!

This video holds a great recipe for Quinoa Salad from my idol Shaycarl (Youtuber) I follow his daily vlogs on the Shaytards channel and suggest you subscribe! The amount of smiles, laughs, words of wisdom, and encouragement I have got from his videos is amazing. During Shays "shayloss" weightless journey last year he started eating healthier foods etc and the fans started asking about this Quinoa Salad recipe so Shay & his beautiful wife ( who I am also a MAJOR fan of) made this video sharing the recipe. I have eaten this numerous times & love it! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Shayloss Quinoa Salad

2 cups Quinoa
Cilantro bunch ( we prefer Parsley instead)
2 Limes
1 Jalapeno
1 Green Pepper
1 Onion
1 Garlic
2 Tomato's
1 Can corn
1 Can Black beans
1 TBSP Cumin
1 TSP Salt
1/3 cup Olive Oil
Tortillas or tortilla chips ( We prefer the tortilla chips)

Rinse quinoa with a fine strainer

Cook Quinoa (3 cups water to 2 cups Quinoa), Simmer for about 20 minutes, stir every 5-10 minute. If there are any puddles of water then Quinoa is not done.

While quinoa is cooking you can start cutting up the veggies and put them into a mixing bowl. You want to cut them fairly small so you don't have huge chucks.

 Breakdown of above step: Dice tomatoes to size of your preference
                                            Cilantro= Chop up the leafy part
                                            Jalapeno= Remove seeds, dice finely
                                            Green Pepper= Remove seeds and dice
                                            Onion= Diced
                                            Garlic= 5 cloves finely chopped
                                            Corn= Drain/rinse
                                             Black beans=drain/rinse
Shake up ingredients in bowl.. or do it the normal way and use a spoon.

Quinoa should be done/past done by now. Let it cool off and then throw the cooked quinoa in the mix and stir again.

Time to make the sauce!
(prepare in a separate bowl)
Combine: Olive oil, cumin, salt, and juice from limes

Pour sauce into bowl with quinoa and veggies and mix well

Eat Quinoa salad! ( Eat it like salsa with chips or put in a wrap)

Monday, June 24, 2013

Valens Conservation Area Review

 This past week a few of my friends & I headed up to Valens Conservation Area for a little camping trip for a girls getaway ( we stayed Monday-Wednesday night). We figured it would be something different to do and fun to just hang out with each other for a few days. After we had loaded up the van, & did the groceries we were on our way to Valens! We arrived at Valens a little early ( 15-20 minutes before check-in time) so expected to be told no we couldn't come in and we would have to wait. But since no one was on our site the previous day it was okay, We checked in with the nice lady at the gate & she confirmed we were all over 16 ( which my friend thought she said 60!), and gave us a card for my dad to use to get back in when he came back to pick us up a few days later. We got through the gate and started the drive up to our campsite, since none of us had been there recently it took awhile to find the dogwood area which was of course all the way at the back of Valens ( leave it to my friends to choose the farthest site ;) ), we set up everything and my dad left us and the camping trip finally began! We had a little snack then headed for the beach & firewood for dinner etc later on. We passed the camp store on our way and had a look around from the outside, couldn't find any hours and it wasn't open. So we continued to the beach and hung round the beach for a bit before walking to the gate to ask where to get fire wood. We found firewood and bought a bag and dragged it, yes dragged it back to the beach... wood is HEAVY!  We spent some more time at the beach before continuing back to our campsite with the wood.
After what felt like hours walking back with this wood we got back in time to start a fire before it was pure darkness, cooked up some dinner & did the normal camping stuff like roasting marshmallows and making sure the fires out ( which it rained Monday night so that helped us) and then off to bed.

Tuesday morning came & like usual I was the only one awake so I went for a little morning walk around the area. The area was basically empty. I guess no one camps much during the week and its not really "camping season" yet. I'm pretty sure from our site to the bathrooms which is about a 3-5 minute walk there were 2 other sites with people on them. I saw the Valens truck that always drives around and checks things out come by and got a nice good morning from the driver, I thought to myself geez that was nice! After a nice half hour walk I headed back to the camp site to start a fire for breakfast & a few more people were actually awake now. We had breakfast and got ready for the day and headed to the beach to cool off as it was getting warm out. We arrived at the beach and were told the beach was closed because they had used pesticide to try and clean up some of the seaweed.

We were kind of ticked off because we had just walked close to half an hour to turn around and walk back because we couldn't go in the water OR on the sand. But we soon admitted that the seaweed was bad and that it was a good time for them to do it since the campground was basically empty. A few of the girls from our group went to go buy more firewood and were surprized when the lady said your camp site 208 right? We will have the truck deliver your wood for you. We were so relieved since it was a pain carrying the wood the day before! The next test in my mind was whether or not they would just drop the wood at the post for our site by the road or "bring it in". We went back to our site and saw they had actually taken the wood right to the fire pit for us ( Thank-you so much!). We sat and played some card games for a bit, chopped up some of the wood they had brought,went to the bridge then went to the lookout to watch the sunset before heading back for a campfire.

Truthfully at first I didn't really see the point of us walking to the lookout but gave in and decided to go, I'm glad I went because it was a beautiful view, and we got some nice pictures of both the view and of just us girls.

After the lookout we came back to have a fire and make some s'mores

Wednesday came and we repeated our daily morning routines and a few of us ventured to the showers, most of us were questioning if we really needed a shower because we didn't really like the idea of the showers, who's been in them, how dirty the showers maybe etc( yep definitely not used to camping!) We were happy to see they didn't look to bad and we only had to shoo away a few flying bugs. After lunch time we ventured back to the beach and were so glad to hear the beach was now reopened. We jumped in and had a swim, unfortunately it wasn't as warm out as it had been the previous day & the seaweed was kinda slimy so many of us quickly got cold/ turned off and had to wrap ourselves up to get warm. We went back to our site to pack up our stuff and clean up our garbage till my dad came to pick us up. While we finished cleaning up we thought "what the heck do we do with this bag of garbage do we really need to take it back with us?" Luckily we were informed that there's a garbage drop off up near the gate.

As we left we chatted about the trip and how much we enjoyed Valens, the bathrooms & showers were bearable, unfortunately camp store closest to our site was closed but it wasn't a huge deal, the bag of wood was heavy & awkward to carry from the gate to our site but luckily on the second trip for wood they delivered it!Yes day 2 we missed out on swimming due to the pesticide but it was the best time for them to get it done. We had tons of fun at Valens  & I wouldn't say no to going back sometime!
 Thoughts/opinions are my own, I was not payed to write Valens a "good review" nor do I believe in lying about what I think of a service/product. Reviews should be truthful! 

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hello again everyone! IM BACK!

  Just a quick post to let you all know that I am back! I have had a busy couple of weeks and am now starting to get back on the computer. I know kind of seems out of character for "my generation" to be away from the computer for so long. But I'm back & yes I have missed it! Unfortunately I have writers  block and have no idea what to blog about right now.... I'm open to suggestions, please comment below :) What do you want to know? I'm up for some Q & A :). Anyways I am going to go tidy up and check my notifications from being away for so long. Hope you are all doing well and... hope you all had a great first day of summer!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Bumble Bee Nails


 Today is FINALLY a hot & sunny day! Hello nice weather! I decided that this time for my nail art post I would do bee nails to celebrate the warmer temperatures, have some fun, and because my nails are currently pretty short :(.

I just cleaned off my old chipped nail polish, washed my hands & dried them, and applied a coat of "Sally Hansen Vitasurge Strength Gel" ( This is not necessary but if your nails need some strength I recommend this)

Colors needed: Yellow, Black, White
Tools: Dotting tools
I have re-washed & prepared my nails to begin the bumble bee nails.  Here we go!

1.Apply 1-2 layers of yellow nail polish and allow to dry.

2. Choose a dotting tool to create the bumble bee lines & draw on a few lines leaving space at the tip of your nail
3. Create a large black dot  near tip and allow to dry
4. Create a white dot  partially covering the black dot ( you want to leave a black rim around the top half of your white circle) and allow to dry.
5. Now create a small black dot on the white dot as an eye

Wordless Wednesday~ May 29th 2013

Sunset & Water during our trip to Peele Island

Friday, May 24, 2013

ABC Friday~ May 24th 2013 T

It's ABC Friday! I believe this weeks letter is T!

Here is my randomly selected T item ;) My Tassimo! AND it makes tea too! ( Double score??) Seriously I do love my Tassimo and use it everyday, if not multiple times a day. I wrote a review on it a few years back, as well as one of my best friends here is her review on her Tassimo experience. Tassimo Is definitely loved in our household!

Have you done an ABC Friday? Or Want to see more? Check out Mom Vs The Boys ABC Link OR Maple Leaf Mommy

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Jumping out of your comfort zone & doing something you never thought you'd do

           Throughout high school I had a large presence in many of my high schools different clubs & activities. But I am really a shy & quiet girl and I was never in the "popular" grouping but many students & teachers knew who I was (as well as my close friends from these groups). My friends & I were pretty well known for our extra curricular work in the school and for the most part liked ( At least by the teachers!). Even though we basically hid in the shadows the whole time. But then the end came, GRADUATION. We actually weren't ready to move on and decided to come back again the follow September & do another semester.

       So last year when me and some of my BEST high school friends were doing the victory semester after graduation, we were helping the school health nurse with a clothing swap. The end of the day came but we all decided to leave the clothing swap set up for another hour so people could come after school if they wanted. We decided to fool around and dance on the stage since not many people were around & we already had the sound system set up ( Thanks to yours truly) . While we were dancing and just having fun one of the teachers came in to talk to us about doing the lighting & sound for the talent show the following month. The school nurse looked at us and said we should enter, we kind of laughed it off and said "but we don't have an act, none of us are ACTUALLY dancers". After about half an hour we decided to try and put something together and leave high school with  bang, even though the only ACTUAL in studio dance training any of us had was when I went to bring a friend week @ my cousins dance school many years before.

        The six of us made a spur of the moment decision to put together a dance, and perform it in front of the entire school in a little over a month. It was actually really scary so we came up with the idea to do a glow in the dark dance. We supported each other when we got frustrated & discouraged. We attempted to stay positive the entire time and dedicated to rehearsals after school. Spent lots of time together editing the music, practising our moves, filming it & reviewing it. It was a crazy process but we became so excited about it after a few weeks that there was no turning back. The day came and the talent show was just hours away, we were all at the school at 5:30am to set up the sound system & lighting, to do a little more secret practising, and get our glow in the dark paint and white clothing on. We became the 2nd last act in the show due to some moving around, but we were glad to have some extra time before performing. The moment came and the MC's were talking about the previous act as we set up. My friend S and I were behind a platform in position to start I was so nervous but determined to get through it. S looked at me and whispered " I can't do this!" I was thinking the same thing but how could we just give up now? I gave her a little talk while the Mc's were starting to introduce us & reminded her its in the dark they can't see who we are. Whoever was doing the music for us messed up but quickly fixed it & started over. We did the dance and had a blast, my friend K did get hit in the head by a glow stick which we had thrown out to the crowd before the dance but we just moved on. We finished the dance & ran outside into the snow and had  mini celebration in the parking lot being so excited that we did it. Then got changed so no one could tell we had any part of the dance & returned to helping with the final performance.

      One other special moment I hope I never forget was after the students had filed out & we began cleaning up. My guidance councillor asked the school health nurse about the dance and who was in it. We all tried so hard to act normal but she figured out it was at least some of us. Then my guidance councillor pulled me aside and asked which one I was in the dance, then she gave me a hug & said " Good for you! I am so proud of you". That moment meant a lot to me & I hope it always will. I have even heard from teachers when we go to visit that other students who we don't even know have continued this! Other students have been doing glow in the dark dances too. Wow did we start a trend? OMG for once I'm a trendsetter!

   Don't be afraid to go out on a limb every once in awhile & do something new and something kind of scary. None of us never dreamed of ever doing anything like this, but we made a spur of the moment decision and said "Lets just do it!". It was worth it! <3 Love you girls! ( K,S,E,J,J,A)